18 December 2009
Michigan House Passes Auto Insurance Reform Legislation
insurance costs and harm the state's job market and economy.
Democratic lawmakers supporting the proposals say they would make auto insurance more affordable and strengthen consumer
protections in the state.
PCI maintains that supporters of the proposed auto insurance reforms have greatly misrepresented several critical facts about Michigan's auto insurance marketplace, but lawmakers should be aware of the following:
* And despite the economy, credit scores are staying stable.
* Michigan's annual average auto premium for liability and physical damage coverages combined is 12th highest in the nation – not the highest as supporters of the legislation have claimed.
* Michigan auto insurers are not making enormous profits.
* Michigan property casualty insurance companies provide thousands of stable, much-needed jobs in the state.
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Michigan consumers pay the highest auto insurance rates in the country when they can least afford it. Michigan drivers are doing their part to reduce auto crashes, yet the insurance industry has raised rates 69 percent since 1991 while enjoying virtually no regulation for 30 years, Hollowell said. Michigan consumers, whose family budgets are being squeezed by one rate increase after another, will be pleased that our legislators are working to enact meaningful insurance reform that will bring some much needed relief.
During her 2009 State of the State address, Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm called on the state legislature to adopt comprehensive auto insurance reform this year.
There is reason for optimism that we can find a way to work together, and get something done for the public good.
For more information, visit http://www.michigan.gov/lowerratesnowMichigan House Passes Auto Insurance Reform Legislation
15 December 2009
Florida, Atlanta & Detroit 15/12/2009
A South Florida representative said the school could review the assertion.
"The South Florida University realize the story and are going to review the matter promptly," said Michael Hoad, vice president for announcement. "We're committed to ensuring due process for everyone involved. To ensure fairness, the university does not comment during a review."
Florida No Fault Insurance
Olympic Park Area in Atlanta
Times Square is own by New York City. New Orleans is known for the French Quarter, and in San Francisco, camera-toting tourists flock to Fisherman's Wharf.
Today, city leaders in Atlanta hope to add Centennial Olympic Park and the enlarging roster of museums dotting it to the list of popular urban tourism corridors.
Atlanta Car Insurance
Ford Motor Detroit
Detroit Lions Vice Chairman Bill Ford Jr. said Monday that his role with the NFL team has taken a back place to his duties as Ford Motor Co. chairman.
When was in Washington to see The President and submit to the Commerce Department a list of recommendations on different ways to revitalize the economy developed at a Detroit business summit.
The younger Ford did speak out for the Lions after they dropped their third game of the 2008 campaign. Talking to reporters after a Detroit Economic Club meeting, Ford said he was disappointed in the team's performance and said fans deserve better.
Detroit Car Insurance Quotes
23 November 2009
State program offers cheaplow-cost car insurance
Getting auto insurance in your 20s, when your driving record is limited, can be pricey.
For example, a 27-year-old single male driving a 2005 Honda Civic Sedan would pay $326 for a six-month premium, including comprehensive and collision coverage with a $500 deductible and property liability of up to $15,000, according to a quote from Farmers Insurance.
Atlanta Car Insurance Rates
But the premium for the same policy would jump to $803 if he was driving a 2005 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution.Insurance rates are based on the price of the car, how often that model is stolen and its safety record, says Jeanne Salvatore, senior vice president at the Insurance Information Institute.
State program offers low-cost car insurance
High unemployment in the central San Joaquin Valley is driving fear that more motorists are going without auto insurance because they can't afford it.
Now it's probably even higher because of job losses across the state. In Fresno County, the unemployment rate in September was 14.1%, compared to 9.4% a year ago.
Detroit Car Insurance Quotes
For a family of four, it's $55,125 per year.
California law typically requires motorists to provide proof of insurance coverage amounting to $15,000 per person or $30,000 per accident for bodily injury and $5,000 for property damage.
Qualifying drivers can upgrade their coverage for a few more dollars per month through the insurance company to which they are assigned, Ng said.
San Diego Car Insurance Rates
The basic insurance is catching on with motorists. In the first 10 months of 2009, the number of drivers enrolled in Fresno County has more than doubled, from 311 to 707. Similar growth is reported in other Valley counties. But officials say they believe there are thousands of drivers in the Valley who qualify but likely don't know about it.
25 September 2009
Orlando Auto Insurance - What is Required
Orlando Auto Insurance - What is Required

Remember that driving with no car insurance is against the law. You are obliged to obtain auto insurance even for vehicle garaged and not-runner,as long as it is registered in Florida.
Your auto insurance must be from Florida and cannot be a policy from another state
Orlando Auto Insurance Requirements
The minimum coverage required is:1. PIP - Personal Injury Protection, $10,000.
2. PDL - $10,000 Property Damage Liability,$10,000
Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) coverage may be required if you have been involved in an accident in the past or
Note that Florida is one of the few states with No Fault auto insurance law.
This means that if you are involved in an accident, your insurance company will cover your medical expenses, regardless of who was at fault. The at fault party is responsible for covering the property damages.
How to save on Orlando Auto Insurance?
In comparison with other cities in Florida, the residents of Orlando pay slightly more for their car insurance.That being said, there are a lot of things you can do in order to pay less for your auto insurance.
1. Leave the car at home more often - walk,carpool and biking are all good options. Less mileage means more affordable vehicle insurance and less spent on gas every month.
2. Pay attention on the road- if you have speed tickets or other traffic violations, vehicle in Orlando will not come cheap.
3. Online quotes are your friend - you will be surprised how much you can save if you shop around.
Get free Orlando auto insurance quotes in minutes and see how much you can save today.
14 September 2009
Florida No Fault Insurance - What Is No Fault Insurance?
Under Florida No Fault insurance each driver would be completely covered by his own car insurance (up to his policy limit), and drivers can not sue another driver regardless of the severity of the accident, the injuries incurred and even in the case of death.
However, no state uses strict form of no fault insurance. In general, no fault is an auto insurance system in which both drivers must carry insurance for their own protection, and their ability to sue other drivers for damages is regulated by certain limitations. States impose these limitations by determining which cases are permitted to go to litigation.
Under this system, drivers may sue for severe injuries and pain and suffering. Some states MI, NJ, NY, and PA use a verbal threshold system, where the severity of the injury is defined in verbal terms (verbal threshold). Florida No Fault Insurance.
Other states use a monetary threshold, a set dollar amount in medical bills and lost wages that must be met before a motorist may sue for damages. Insurers generally favor laws that provide for a verbal threshold on suits instead of a dollar threshold. Setting dollar targets for medical expenses may encourage the submission of fraudulent claims in an effort to reach the total dollar amount whether the expense it justified or not.
The desire for a new way of handling auto insurance claims rose out of a dissatisfaction with the way in which insurance claims were processed. This dissatisfaction was not only on the part of those purchasing auto insurance, but also on those companies and agencies marketing auto insurance and the state officials regulating it. The issue focused on the often expensive and time consuming process of determining who was at fault in the accident and who was legally and financially responsible.
The delays in determining liability caused legislation to be introduced in many states in the 1970's that allowed victims to recover financial losses such as medical and hospital expenses and lost income from their own insurance companies. This became a forerunner of today's no fault insurance.
The concept of no fault insurance was first widely introduced to the public in the early 1900's. Its two main tenants, stemming waste, inequities, and lengthy delays in the liability system, and providing affordable coverage for medical care and rehabilitation costs had its appeal among the populace. However, the process that was to be put into place to pay for no fault insurance was anything but appealing to the voters.
A pay-at-the pump initiative was introduced as a way to pay for no fault insurance by collecting a fee on gasoline sales. In every state in which the initiative was considered, the plan to tax gas in order to fund no fault was defeated. Legislature in many forms was even introduced at the Congressional level but it never made it to a vote.
The 'no fault' part of an insurance plan is usually called PIP, Personal Injury Protection, or it is sometimes referred to as OBEL, Optional Basic Economic Loss. Different state's PIP's cover different aspects associated with personal injury.
Generally, the coverage is related to medical expenses, loss of wages, and compensation for loss of services incurred because of an auto accident. Funeral costs and death benefits are also usually covered.